immersive experiences
Project xx1
Via Prospero Colonna, 101
00149 Rome - ITALY
CF 97938120587
VAT# IT15203931009

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©2023 Project xx1 - Rome, IT

filler incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

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Riccardo Brunetti

Experimental psychologist, theatre author and director, he carries out researches on performance since 1999. He has been working as an international trainer for theatre and applied theatre since 2005, in more than 20 countries all over the world. Struck by the encounter with immersive theatre in 2013 he is now completely dedicated to creating immersive experiences with Project xx1, group he co-founded. He is in charge of the artistic Productions both nationally and internationally.


Silvia Ferrante

Primary school teacher and educational researcher, she works as creator and actress in immersive theatre since the first Italian experiences created by Amaranta/Orma Fluens (2015). She is interested in the pedagogical application of immersive theatre. Project xx1’s co-founder, she coordinates the Education area.


Sandra Albanese

Project xx1’s co-founder, she is the coordinator of the Applied area. An applied theatre expert, she is working in immersive theatre as costume designer, performer, creator, and set-up expert since the first Italian experiences of Amaranta/Orma Fluens (from 2004).


Anna Maria Avella

Project xx1 Co-founder, she is a trainer, performer and creator. Intercultural expert, thanks to participation in numerous projects in the Youth in action e Erasmus+ programmes. Her research ranges from the pedagogical application of immersive performance to the artistic experimentation of multimedial storytelling. For Project xx1, she is the Training area coordinator.


Alessandro D'Ambrosi

Author, director and performer in theatre, television and cinema. Collaborates permanently with Project xx1 from 2017 as creator, dramaturg, director and performer. His research with Project xx1 focuses on the development of immersive dynamics and on the constant widening of the tools to engage audiences.



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Fabiana Reale

Performer, teacher

Performer, dramaturgy


Martina Giannico

Scenography, scenotech, set-up artist
